Protect Me Page 15
He nods. “If you still want to.”
I laugh. “Oh, I’m sure I’ll want to. I don’t know what you could possibly say to change the way I feel about you now.” I walk around him, back to the log, and have a seat while taking another long drink.
Tyler takes his place next to me and lets out a long breath. “My father called me after breakfast the morning I was at your place. He told me that James was going through something and that he was leaving. He told me he was sorry for the way everything went down in the past, and that he’s always known that I was the son who should have been given the ranch. He knew James had no interest in it, but it was stuck in his head that it should go to the oldest son. He asked me to come home to take over the ranch. He said he’d sign it over to me as soon as I got home.”
He looks at me and takes my hand in his. I don’t bother pulling it away. Right now, I just want to enjoy the feeling of the tingles coursing through my body when he touches me. It’s been so long since I felt them. Even if things are over between us, I still want to feel the reaction he causes in me.
“That day, I had some thinking to do. I thought about blowing him off—letting the ranch get taken away, letting him learn his lesson. But then I thought of you, and of all the work you were putting in with your mom.” He shakes his head and lets out a deep breath. “I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let the ranch I grew up on and loved get sold off to the bank. I made the decision to go home and take over ownership, even if that meant you’d hate me for the rest of your life.”
I jerk my hand away, taking another drink. “Why tell me this? I think you explained it all pretty well in the letter you left.” I stand and scoff. “A letter! You couldn’t even tell me goodbye! Did I really mean that little to you?”
“No!” He stands, closing the distance between us, but not touching me. “I couldn’t tell you goodbye. Don’t you understand? I knew that if I waited for you to wake up, I’d change my mind. I wouldn’t have been able to say those words to you. I loved you, Amy. I still do. And I hate myself for hurting you. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror without feeling the self-loathing that settles over me.”
“Why are you back now then? You got away, Tyler. Why come back?”
“I was home for nearly two months when James came back. He sat my father and me down and apologized for everything. He said that all these years, he’s resented our dad because he felt like he was held back and didn’t get to see the world—didn’t get to find himself. But the two months he was gone, he was searching for his place in life. It took leaving before he realized that he was right where he was meant to be all along. He wanted the ranch back.”
“So what happened?” I ask for reasons I don’t understand.
“I was pissed. I told them what I gave up coming home. I told my dad that he couldn’t give it back, that he’d already signed everything over to me, and I stormed out. James caught up with me and we had a long chat. We made a deal.”
“What deal?”
“He knew I wanted the ranch, but he could tell that I wanted you more. Even though I was home and had everything I thought I wanted, I was still unhappy. So he took out a loan, and bought me out of my half of the ranch.”
“What does that even mean, and why does it have anything to do with me?” I shake my head to clear it of the wine fog I’m now in.
“It means the ranch is no longer mine. I packed and moved back here over a month ago.”
My face wrinkles. “A month ago?” My voice rises on its own. “A fucking month? And you’re just now letting me know this?” I turn to leave but he jumps in my way. His eyes are wide with fear and panic.
“I knew you had to hate me after everything, and I knew that if I just walked into your coffee shop, you’d probably have me thrown out. I wanted to wait until I had things set up—until I had something that could show you how much you’ve inspired me.”
A snort escapes. “Tyler…” I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes.
“I took that money and came back here where I bought a ranch of my own—a ranch I want to share with you, Amy. I love you, and I want to show you that I’m not going anywhere ever again. The ranch is in rough shape, but I had enough money to get the loan, and enough money left over that I can get everything started up.”
“That’s great, Tyler. I’m happy for you,” I whisper as I step past him, heading for the trail.
“There’s a house on the property,” he blurts out, sounding scared and nervous. “It’s a cabin with a fireplace in the living room. There’s a kitchen big enough to cater any family holiday, and there are three bedrooms upstairs—one for us, and two more for our future family.”
I freeze with his words, and he rushes up to me.
“I want you, Amy. I want you and me together every day for the rest of our lives.” He pulls me against his chest, causing my body to feel like it’s been set on fire. “When I looked at that house, do you know what I saw?”
I can barely move, but he sees my head shake.
“I saw you in that kitchen, preparing our son’s first birthday cake. I saw the two of us sitting in front of that fireplace, holding on to one another like the world would end if we let go. And I saw two little kids running up and down the hallway—one little boy who had your eyes, and a little girl with your attitude.” He laughs. “That’s what I want, Amy. I don’t want my family’s ranch. I want you.” Without another word, he closes the distance between us, pressing his lips against mine.
I freeze, not knowing what I want. More than anything, I want Tyler, but can I trust him? Could I survive losing him again in the future? This last time nearly broke me.
He knows I’m not opening up to him, and he moves his hands to tangle in my hair, pulling me closer. His tongue intertwines with mine, and in this kiss, I can feel him pleading for me to forgive him. He’s begging me to forget the past and pick up where we left off. And he’s telling me how much he loves me while searching for the love I hold for him.
And even though I know all of this, I’m still not sure I can let him back in.
When he realizes that I’m not the girl who can be swept off her feet by a romantic kiss in the dark forest, he pulls away, hurt evident on his face.
“I’m so sorry, Amy,” he whispers. “Please forgive me.”
I shake my head. “I don’t know if I can, Tyler.”
He seems to crumble right in front of me, falling to his knees as he looks up at me.
“I love you, Tyler. I do. I can’t deny that. But you hurt me. You hurt me more than I’ve ever been hurt before. And I’m just starting to heal. I don’t know if I can put myself on the line again like that.”
He takes my hand, squeezing it tightly. “I know, and I’ll forever be sorry. I’ll completely understand if you can’t forgive me. I mean, I was broken when you found me. I was an asshole who did nothing but take advantage of you. And you pushed me to be the man I am today. If it hadn’t been for you, I’d still be that pathetic man I was a year ago. You gave me everything, and I did nothing but hurt you.” He takes a deep breath, bowing his head forward. “If you don’t want me, I’ll let you go—I’ll never bother you again.”
He looks up at me with a challenging gleam in his eyes. “But I want you to tell me that you don’t love me.” He stands, looking me directly in the eyes. “Tell me you don’t feel the way your skin tingles when I touch it. Tell me your stomach doesn’t tighten with the sight of me. Tell me your heart doesn’t quicken when we kiss.”
He wets his lips. “If you can tell me all of that, I’ll leave you alone, Amy.”
I bite my bottom lip, thinking it over. My eyes fall to the ground between us. He places his finger under my chin and tips my head back. “I love you, Amy. And I’ll spend the rest of my fucking life trying to prove it to you.” He leans in, pressing his lips against mine once again, and this time, I can’t hold back. Even though my brain is telling me to run, my heart is keeping me locked in place.
Tyler hu
rt me worse than I’ve ever been hurt, but he also made me feel the happiest I’ve ever been. I guess that’s what love is. It’s loving wholeheartedly. It’s taking the chance that the person you’re giving yourself to could hurt you—and it’s the way my heart quickens, my stomach tightens, and my heart skips a beat. Even though it will take some work to get back to where we were, I want that work. Nothing in life is worth having if it’s just given to you. You have to work to appreciate it.
And I know nothing is worth as much to me as Tyler and the way he can make me feel.
The second my mind is made up, he tightens his hold on me and kisses me deeper. I can feel this kiss, his love, deep in my soul. My arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer, and his hands latch around my hips, lifting me up against him. The next thing I know, my back is pressed against a tree while his hands tour my body.
“Tyler, we should slow down,” I pant against his lips.
“I’ll stop if you really want me to, Amy,” he whispers against the skin of my neck as he peppers it with hot kisses. “But I’ve thought about this moment since I left you.” He presses his growing erection against my core, causing me to let out a soft moan. “And I think you have too.” His hand moves up my thigh, under my dress, and brushes against my center. When my nails dig into his shoulders, his fingers slip beneath the material and push into me.
I take a loud breath at the sensation, relief finally flooding over me. Just knowing he’s right where he should be makes me want to release my orgasm. I can’t stop him. He’s right. I’ve thought about this moment repeatedly, and there’s no way I can stop now that it’s here.
My hands push his jacket over his shoulders and he pulls away enough to shrug it off. Our hands are in a race to strip each another of our clothes. And the moment we’re both completely bare, he slams into me, claiming my body, heart, and soul once again.
As he moves in and out of me, I think about how our lives are going to play out. He’s finally got a ranch of his own, and I can’t wait to move into the house he’s picked for us. I can’t wait until the day we finally get married and have children. It seems like everything is falling back into place. I’m finally getting my happily ever after.
“Are you sure this is the last of it?” Tyler asks, picking up a box and moving toward the door.
“Yeah, that’s everything,” I answer, turning to look at my now-empty apartment.
Just as I turn to walk out the door, I bump into my mom.
“Hey, are you ready to move into your new apartment?” I ask, pulling her in for a hug.
“You have no idea.” She smiles wide. “I love your brother, but I’m ready for my own place again.” She walks into the living room and takes a deep breath as she spins around. “The furniture truck should be here soon.” She walks closer. “I’m so thankful for everything you’ve done for me, Amy: getting me the help I need, forgiving me for everything, giving me a job, and now, letting me take over your apartment…”
I smile and pull her back in. “You’re welcome. I’m just happy to have my mom back.”
She presses a kiss to my forehead but pulls away when someone knocks on the door. We both turn to see someone from the furniture company walking in with a clipboard and a form she needs to sign for her new furniture.
“I’d better go. I don’t think Tyler can wait another minute to get me into our new house.” I laugh.
Mom holds out her hand. “Okay, sweetie. Don’t keep that man waiting any longer.”
As soon as I walk outside and climb into the passenger side of the truck, Tyler picks up my hand and presses a kiss to the top. “Are you ready to start our future?”
I can’t hold back the smile that takes over. “More than ready. I’ve waited for this day for as long as I can remember.” I lean over the center console and he presses his mouth to mine.
Twenty minutes later, we’re driving up the long gravel driveway. We both jump out when he shuts down the truck, but before I can make it to the front of the truck, he rushes around and picks me up, cradling me to his chest.
“What are you doing?”
“Carrying you over the threshold,” he replies with a grin playing on his lips.
I roll my eyes. “I’ve already been inside, Tyler.”
“I know, but today, this isn’t just my house. It’s our house.” He walks into the living room, and instead of putting me down, he carries me to the bedroom, softly dropping me on the bed.
I let out a small squeal and laugh as I look at the smile forming on his face as he starts pulling off his shirt, revealing his rock-hard abs.
My hands fly to my top to pull it away, but he crawls on top of me and tugs my hands away. “Oh, no.” He shakes his head. “This is my present to unwrap.” He grins and begins pulling away my clothes while his hands explore my body and his mouth delivers sweet kisses to every inch of skin he exposes.
“I love you, Amy,” he whispers against my skin.
“I love you too, Tyler,” I call out, just as his mouth finds the junction between my legs.
Tyler and I have been through a lot. We’ve both been hurt and put back together. But when we’re together, we don’t feel like we’ve been glued back together. We make each other feel as if the other had never been broken at all. I hate to think about those three months we were apart, but I know we’re going to more than make up for it. Maybe that little bit of heartache is what it took to get our happy ending. And as badly as that hurt, I’d do it over and over again if it meant that this is what we’d end up with. Few people find someone who can make their heart beat faster, their lungs freeze, and their skin burn like it’s on fire, but Tyler and I did, and there’s no way we’re ever letting go again.
Just Friends: Mountain Ridge Book 1
Business & Pleasure: Castille Hotel Series Book 1
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Coming Soon
Baby Mistake: Castille Hotel Series Book 2-Feb 21st
Baby Shock: Mountain Ridge Book 3-March 21st
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Just Friends
Mountain Ridge Series
No feelings. No expectations. No Forever.
No matter how loud he makes me scream…
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The last thing I need is a mysterious, tempting billionaire showing up to offer me a vet job at his ranch after I’ve worked my a$$ off to establish my own practice.
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Then again, a chance to stare at his tan, rock hard body every day…No!
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I can’t give up my vet practice for a sexy Adonis with a HUGE bank account.
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Besides, I know how these situations turn out.
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About the time I develop feelings…I meet his girlfriend.
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I’ve been warned about his playboy ways, but I can’t seem to stop myself from fantasizing, from falling.
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I know he wants more…he wants all of me.
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But what if I can’t give myself to him?
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Or worse…what if the chance to tell him how I feel is taken away from me?
Chapter 1
“Ves, your next patient is here to see you.” Amy, my assistant, calls out to me from behind the counter in the waiting room.
I quickly push my papers back into a neat stack and stand away from my desk, pulling my white coat on as I exit my office.
As I walk out into the waiting room, I find Mrs. Stevens standing behind the counter, holding a little gray kitten to her chest.
“Who do we have here?” I ask, closing the distance between us and gently rubbing the kitten on its head.
Mrs. Stevens offers a
wide smile that makes her blue eyes shine. “This is Lola. I found her in a box, on the side of the road. Can you believe someone would dump such an adorable kitten?”
Hearing the news causes a bout of pain to surge through my chest. I don’t understand how people can be so cruel and heartless. “Well, it looks like she’s found a good home now. Haven’t you?” I pet the kitten and she lets out a soft meow.
“Let’s go back to exam room one, and I’ll give her a once over before we start up her first round of vaccines.”
I lead Mrs. Stevens and Lola back to the exam room and pull on my gloves. “How’s Mr. Stevens doing? I’m sure he’s just as much in love with this new kitten as you are.” I feel my lips turn up into a smile. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are one of my favorite couples in town. They take in all the stray animals in need without question. I can only hope to find a man that loves animals as much as the Stevens do. Already I dream about spending my future working in farmlands that is overrunning with animals.
“He’s doing very well,” she says as I begin to examine the kitten. “He’s looking forward to this one getting a clean bill of health, so he can introduce her to the rest of the family.”
“Well, she looks pretty healthy to me. I think she’ll just need some de-worming and some vaccines, and she’ll be good to go home and meet them all.” I pick the kitten up and hold it softly against my chest. “What do you think of that, Lola?” I ask, looking down at her.